Bad At Driving? 6 Ways To Get Better

Bad At Driving? 6 Ways To Get Better

Learning the basics of driving is just the beginning. You apply all you’ve learned and polish your driving skills with experience. However, some people find themselves not exactly up to par with other drivers or lack the confidence or skill for complicated driving tasks. If you think you are bad at driving, you’ll find ways to get better in this article. 

Poor driving skills and insufficient knowledge are what makes a bad driver. To improve, proper training and regular practice are needed. 

It’s worth mentioning that driving may be easier for some than others. Think of how some people are naturally good at some sports. The same happens with driving. But whether you are a natural at driving or not, you can always improve with proper training and practice. Continue reading to know about what makes a bad driver and how you can improve your driving skills. 

How Do You Know If You Are A Bad Driver?

When people hear ‘bad driver’, they automatically think in relation to the person’s driving skills. While driving skills is an essential part of what makes a bad driver, there’s a lot more to being a bad driver than not having the required skills. 

Some people may not be bad in terms of their skills but find themselves subconsciously committing violations. Part of what makes a good driver is the ability to obey all traffic regulations and this requires focus and discipline when behind the wheels. People lacking these traits will find themselves being ticketed even when they don’t intend to commit violations. 

You are a bad driver if you panic a lot while driving. Some people will lose their cool at the sight of a bigger vehicle or when they encounter difficult or tricky situations on the road. While some people can naturally deal with such situations, others may need more experience to handle it. Your driving skills will also help in this regard as you need to be confident in your skills to deal with some situations. 

Why Am I So Bad At Driving?

One of the most common reasons why some people are bad at driving is insufficient experience. You can’t become an expert driver overnight, even if you have a natural affinity for driving. You need to practice over and over again to hone your skills. For someone that drives regularly, this won’t be a problem as they can easily get the practice they need to become better. 

Some people are bad at driving because they don’t have the prerequisite traits required to be a good driver. Driving is an activity that requires good spatial awareness, reaction time, focus, good judgment, IQ, orientation, and so on. People that have these traits may take to driving the way a duck takes to water. On the other hand, people lacking these traits may find driving more challenging. 

The good news is that these skills can be learned through practice, especially if you are properly motivated. With experience, you’ll acquire all the traits needed to be a good driver and become confident in your ability whenever you find yourself behind the wheel.

How To Become A Better Driver?

Bad At Driving? 6 Ways To Get Better

Everyone, regardless of driving skills, should strive to become a better driver. Anything worth doing is worth doing well and if you are going to be driving, you should make conscious efforts to become better at it. Below are tips you can follow to become a better driver. 

1. Go Back To The Basics

Yes, you’ve passed your driving tests and got your driving license. But do you know all the relevant rules and regulations by heart? If not, then you still have some work to do. Make it a habit to refresh the basic rules of driving regularly and you’ll find yourself knowing all you need to know offhand. 

If you feel you need professional guidance, go back to driving school for a refresher course. There’s no shame in it.

2. Take Your Time

Remember that practice makes perfect so you aren’t going to magically become an expert driver overnight. So, take your time to learn. Don’t feel pressured or intimidated to reach the speed limit. Drive and improve at your own pace and ignore other drivers that repeatedly horn or hang on your bumper to make you drive faster. 

Try to leave your home early whenever you are going to an important meeting or place. This way, you can drive on your own and still reach your destination early. Else, you may be forced to go faster than you are comfortable with in an attempt to reach your destination on time.

3. Familiarize Yourself

Did you know that there are some things you should do before turning on the ignition? You should check that your seat and mirrors are in the proper positions, check for warning lights or low fuel lights. Check your fluids, tire pressure, battery lights, and emergency kit. Some of these such as tire pressure may not need to be done every day but occasionally as part of maintenance. 

4. Don’t Tailgate

Tailgating means following the driver in front of you too closely and as a good driver or someone who aspires to be a good driver, you shouldn’t tailgate. Tailgating increases the risk of crashing into the vehicle in front as you have less time to react or use the brakes. Also, you won’t be able to see beyond the vehicle in front of you. 

5. Never Drive Sleepy

For your sake and the sake of other road users, you should never drive whenever you are feeling sleepy. For one, your reaction will be significantly delayed which puts you at greater risk of having an accident. You could also fall asleep at the wheel, something that almost guarantees an accident. If you feel very tired and sleepy, it’s advisable you pull over and have a nap. Then continue driving when you feel more alert. 

6. Sort Out All Distractions

Set up your GPS and music before driving. Your attention should be completely on the road after you start the engine. Don’t receive calls when driving and don’t use earphones or headsets. Safety is paramount


  • Vedran

    Vedran, is a long-time expert in the field of automotive repair. After completing school for car mechanics, Vedran has amassed years of experience working on all types of vehicles. In addition to running Vedran’s own successful car repair service, Vedran is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping people take better care of their cars.