What Does Vert Mean In Bmw? Explained

What Does Vert Mean In Bmw? Explained

Car names can sometimes be weird, complicated, and downright confusing. And with each manufacturer having their unique way of naming cars, it seems the confusion with car names isn’t ending anytime soon. Chances are, you’ve seen BMWs with ‘Vert’ in their names and wondered what the word means. In this article, we’ll be explaining what Vert means in BMW car names.

Vert in BMW means the car is convertible and can be driven with or without a roof in place. BMW is one of the best manufacturers of convertible cars in the world. 

There you have it, the meaning of what Vert means in BMW. Some terms in car names may not be immediately understood by people, and we’ll provide an in-depth explanation and meaning behind BMW’s vert models.

Car Names Are Becoming More Complicated

Gone are the days when car names were easy to understand. With car makers having several models like SUVs, hybrid engines, city cars, sports cars, future-facing electric versions, and so on, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of car names. You may have better luck memorizing the human genome than learning about the various models BMW produces, and we are only partly joking.

Car manufacturers tend to use Latin words or made-up words in car names in addition to using baffling combinations of alphanumerics. Compared to some other brands, BMW car names aren’t too confusing. We’ll, however, focus on explaining the ‘Vert’ in BMW names.

Vert In BMW Explained

Did you know that ‘vert’ is actually a Latin word? In English, Vert translates to ‘to turn,’ and any BMW car that is named Vert is a convertible vehicle. If you are the type that enjoys the feel of the wind on your face or hair when you are behind the wheels, a convertible car could just be what you need.

BMW is one of the best manufacturers of convertibles and has the edge over its competitors as they provide a wider choice of convertibles. From sporty two-seaters to practical four-seaters, plug-in hybrid convertibles, and high-performance options, BMW makes them all.

BMW Convertible Models

BMW has three convertible models, namely:

  • the Z4.
  • the 8 series.
  • the 4 series.

The company also has older brands of convertibles, such as the old 2-series convertible that was built in 2021 and the 6 series that was discontinued in 2021.


Benefits Of A Convertible Vehicle

Below are reasons why convertibles are appealing to a wide range of audiences:


This is why anyone would buy a convertible. With the push of a button, a vehicle can be transformed into a sedan or coupe. Talk about having your own Autobot. We are looking at you, Transformer fans.

You get to enjoy the best of both worlds as you get a roof over your head during unfavorable weather conditions. If weather conditions are looking really nice and cool, you can get rid of the roof and have the wind blowing against your face and hair.


Even if you are not a fan of convertibles, you may have to admit at times that convertibles are cool and very stylish. And people that own these cars have a lot of fun driving them. A trip to the store can turn out to be very fun just because you are driving a convertible. The night sky is also more beautiful when driving a convertible.

Better Visibility

When the top of a convertible vehicle is down, the visibility of the driver is improved. There’s literally no blind spot, and the driver has a better awareness of their surroundings.

Are BMW convertibles practical?

One of the main reasons behind the popularity of BMW convertibles is their practicality. It’s common knowledge that convertibles generally have limited trunk space to ensure the roof system can be neatly stored. However, the situation is better with BMW convertibles as they tend to have more trunk space than similarly-sized convertible cars.

So, you can expect to get a decent amount of trunk space in any BMW convertible you buy. There are also BMW convertible models that can seat four people comfortably. Most 4-seater BMWs have back seats that are uncomfortable for adults, but this isn’t the case with BMW.

Convertible Cars Generally Require More Maintenance

Before buying a convertible vehicle, it’s important to keep in mind that it will require more maintenance than regular vehicles. Unlike conventional cars, the interior of convertibles is more exposed to the elements. And this means they are more likely to wear out faster. As a result, the interior of a convertible car will need more maintenance.

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Of course, how often you open the top of the convertible will affect how fast the interior will wear out. But if you live in an area with nice and cool weather, chances are you are going to open the top of the roof more often, and this means more maintenance.

After having to maintain the interior, convertible cars have more moving parts. Generally, moving parts in any system are prone to damage or issues. And this automatically means you’ll need to maintain them more often to have them in top condition.


  • Vedran

    Vedran, is a long-time expert in the field of automotive repair. After completing school for car mechanics, Vedran has amassed years of experience working on all types of vehicles. In addition to running Vedran’s own successful car repair service, Vedran is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping people take better care of their cars.