Purple Car Windshields: What Are They & Why Are They Used For?


Have you ever seen a car with a purplish windshield and thought it was cool? You probably thought the purple color was for aesthetics. But there’s a lot more to the purple color than just the cool vibe. In this article, you’ll learn why some cars have purple windshields. Here we go.

The purplish haze on the windshield is due to the infrared solar coating applied on them to reduce infrared rays and make the interior cooler.

There are several benefits of having an IR windshield, and we’ll be discussing them in this article. Continue reading to have a better understanding of infrared solar coating for car windshields.

Why Are Some Windshields Purple?

It’s not uncommon to see vehicles with purple windshields on the road. The reason for the purplish haze you see on the outside is due to the special treatment the windshield has been subjected to filter out infrared rays from the sun. Such windshields are referred to as infrared-reflective or IR glass.

IR glass works by filtering infrared rays from the sun, as discussed above, and they are capable of reflecting up to 50% of the infrared rays that reach the windshield. Also, IR windshields also reduce glare from the sun, thereby improving visibility.

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The properties of IR windshields are due to a solar coat that’s applied to them. And it is the solar coat that gives the windshield a purplish haze when viewed from the outside. Depending on your car model and manufacturer, your automobile may come with a solar coating. If not, there’s always the option to have a mechanic apply a solar coating to your vehicle.

Benefits Of IR Windshield

Below, we’ll fully discuss the benefits of having an IR windshield:

Reduces Glare

Bright sunlight and sun glare can affect drivers’ vision and cause motor accidents. It’s not uncommon to hear of car crashes due to sun glare in summer or fall when the weather is mostly sunny.

An IR windshield will reduce sun glare by about 13%, which is significant in areas with bright sunlight that can potentially blind drivers. Another benefit of IR glass is that only infrared rays are blocked, and visible light completely passes through the glass. This makes the glass transparent and ensures the driver has total visibility. However, someone viewing the windshield from the outside will see a purplish haze.


Solar Heat Reduction

Infrared radiation transmits heat and will raise the temperature of the interior of your vehicle. While it’s always preferable to park under a shade, it’s not always possible, and there will be times when you need to park under the sun. When you get back to your vehicle, the interior will be hot and uncomfortable.

IR windshields are designed to block up to 50% of the infrared rays that get to your windshield. And this will have a noticeable cooling impact on your vehicle. The interior will be more comfortable, and you won’t have to use the air conditioning unit as much.

Fuel Savings

Air-conditioning is good and all, but it sucks fuel like hell. No other auxiliary feature of a car consumes fuel as much as the AC unit does. To put things into perspective for you, the AC unit can increase fuel consumption by 20% or more depending on the size of your vehicle, outdoor temperature, and other factors.

Since an IR windshield reduces the IR waves that enter your car, the interior will be significantly cooler, and there won’t be the need to use the AC as much. And this means increased fuel savings for you.

UV Protection

An infrared windshield blocks most of the ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches your windshield, something that has many health benefits in itself. UV radiation has been linked to skin cancer, and it’s always a good thing to reduce your exposure to some of the harmful UV rays from the sun. So, with an IR windshield, everyone in your car enjoys UV protection.

Reduced Interior Aging

Did you know that when hot air gets trapped in your car, it basically transforms your car into an oven? This leads to the drying and cracking of the interior components of the cars, including the dashboard, leather seats, steering wheel, and so on.

Other personal items and electronics in your car will also be damaged. After all, they are in an “oven.” UV rays can also discolor the interior of your car as they have a bleaching effect on the interior components.

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You already know by now that IR glass reduces the UV and infrared waves that get into a car. And this will significantly reduce the aging and wear out of your vehicle’s interior. So, it’s always a good thing to have an infrared solar coating on your windshield.

Increased Aesthetics

You didn’t think we were going to leave this one out, did you? The purplish haze that infrared solar coating gives to the windshield, especially when viewed from the outside, can make a car wickedly cool. The purple haze can also bring out the ferocity in some car models.

How To Have IR Windshield Installed

Now that you know the benefits of an IR windshield, it’s normal to consider having one in the future. You’ll need to have a chat with your mechanic, and they’ll tell you if the coating can be applied to your current windshield or if you need a replacement.

If you need a replacement, you’ll have to pay out of pocket. However, if your windshield came with a solar IR coating and needs replacement due to damage, your auto insurance may cover the costs.

General Care Tips For Windshields

The windshield is one of the most important components of your car and needs to be maintained for proper visibility. Dirt and debris will accumulate on the windshield over time, thereby reducing visibility whether you notice it or not. To prevent this, make it a habit to clean the interior of the windshield with a dry microfiber cloth. A glass cleaner and towel should be used for the exterior. You can use WD-40 or vinegar to remove stubborn stains on the exterior of the windshield.

Inspect the windshield wipers occasionally to ensure they are in good condition. Damaged wipers can scratch the windshield, so it’s important to maintain your windshield in good condition.

Park in the shade whenever possible. High temperature isn’t good for your windshield as it makes the glass expand, which can affect its durability in the long term. Don’t delay the repair of any chips or cracks on the windshield, as it will grow and become a more serious problem.


  • Vedran

    Vedran, is a long-time expert in the field of automotive repair. After completing school for car mechanics, Vedran has amassed years of experience working on all types of vehicles. In addition to running Vedran’s own successful car repair service, Vedran is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping people take better care of their cars.